I haven't discussed the prayer breakfasts much after so let me tell you about them now. We have had some wonderful speakers talking about there faith in work and in life. And our next will be about faith and family. I know Lee Timmerman's Understanding Christ sacrifice through a father's eye's is moving and inspirational. I know this will be a very timely message of the season understanding the loss of a child. I encourage all men to join us on March 8, 2008 at Hosanna Lutheran Church to hear this message. The breakfast starts with food and fellowship at 9:00 AM. The past breakfast's were Egg Bake, sausage, bacon, Juice, Coffee, and these incredible Cinnamon Rolls. Now I can tell you from purely a professional eaters stand point...the food at each of these breakfast's has been incredible!! While we are planning to change the menu a bit I have been assured that the Cinnamon Rolls will be on the menu. And trust me Man CAN live by bread alone if the bread is baked with Cinnamon in it!! The fellowship is great too because I have had the opportunity to meet other men from many churches in our area. And I have even connected with people I know or have met and worked with in the past. It is an incredible time for learning and growing in my Christian faith. If you are interested in attending we are selling tickets in order to ensure that we are paying for breakfast AND it is a great opportunity for us to donate to a local Charity. We have chosen a different charity each time and while I was not at the last committee meeting I am sure the proceeds will go to worthy cause. The ticket's are $10.00 and can be purchased at the breakfast. In addition, we also gave away a devotional for men that I read everyday before I start my work day and I hope will help the men that won to grow in their faith as well. I hope to see you at the breakfast and hope that we continue to grow in attendance and in our faith. By the way we do an opening and closing devotional prayer from different pastors so if you are a pastor and would like to do the devotional prayer or even host the breakfast at your church please send me an email and we would be happy to discuss our upcoming events.
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
Men's Prayer Breakfast a personal invitation
Posted by
John Ganger
8:30 AM

Monday, February 18, 2008
Dreadfully absent
I know I have been dreadfully absent from writing on my blog but God has been very busy in my heart and body. I have been involved in two Bible study groups at church and with the Fellowship and Rec committee not to mention the Men's prayer breakfast committee. And tonight on my way home from church God moved me yet again in another direction. I don't think this is the right time to talk about it yet but suffice it to say even I can't believe God would call ME in this direction. But isn't it just like us to question...I am learning though he doesn't need to tell me twice...I listen and I will obey...Your will be done.
Posted by
John Ganger
8:01 PM