Monday, April 6, 2009

Holy Week

An old (Longtime) friend of mine has recently come back into my life and we have been corresponding frequently about our faith and love for God. She has helped me to renew my love and to be re-energized in my faith. I was stalling on my bible study and not keeping up with this years challenge. I have promised myself and God that I will be more faithful in my reading and prayers.

I saw this renewal in the faith of a child this weekend...
We have a young boy in our church that has just started attending KFC this past September. He is a neighbor of ours and recently asked his parents if he could be baptized and take first communion. He told his parents that he wanted what my daughter had. When asked what he meant, he couldn't quite describe it but he knew that she was happier because she went to church. So a few weeks ago his parents started coming to church with him and yesterday. This young boy was baptized and took first communion. He through his faith is now beginning to lead his parents into church and I have seen some amazing transformations in their entire family. I will say that this young man made his choice to be in communion with God freely and without reservation. So when I read that people believing in God is down in America I guess I have to wonder if those numbers are really right? But then again who cares? When children learn from their peers and can see the light shining in others around them. Maybe we need to think a little more like our children.

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