OK Installment #2
When we last met Marty had finished up his Baccalaureate and Master's degrees and was just getting into learning the law and the story continues... Martin had taken a little break and went home to Mansfeld to visit his family. On his way back to school Martin was walking near Stotterheim on July 2, 1505. As the story goes, Martin was a few hours outside Erfurt when a lightning storm struck. A bolt of lightning struck near him and the pressure from the strike threw Martin off his feet. At that moment, Martin called to St. Anne (the patron Saint of miners) that "I will become a monk!"
Now for a little creative license...So Marty is in this storm, likely under a tree when BOOM! the lightning strikes and hits the tree. The wind is howling a branch falls from the tree (with a little flame on the branch and scorching) and Marty falls to the ground from the pressure blast...the rain is pounding on Marty's face and lightning is striking every where around him. Suddenly, Marty shouts...Oh Saint Anne! please if you get me through this storm I will become a monk!! Suddenly the storm passes and a light rain continues to fall for a few minutes and Martin can hear the thunder moving off in the distance. A little more dramatic this way!
Ok so I just have to do it here...Marty gets back to the "U" around late evening on the 2nd of July. He gets to his room and one of his classmates comes in and says "Hey how about that storm huh?" Marty says "yeah that was a bad one! I nearly got killed by a lightning strike." Classmate to Marty, "Man I'll bet that was pretty wicked! Hey, I heard there is going to be a Kegger on the 16th you going to go?" Marty says "Sure one last party to get my game on before I go over to the monastery sounds like fun!" Ok I promise last one! :)
The Monastery was of the Augustinian Order and life in the monastery during those times was hard and consisted of daily prayer, fasting, and work. The Monks day usually started around 3:00 AM and began with Prayers and Scripture reading along with basket weaving or some other work. Monks ate two meals a day and fasted on Wednesday's and Friday's. Most of their day consisted of work in silence and meditation and prayers during the work. It is said in some of the biographies that during this time Luther found a close relationship to the bible which would help him later in life. Luther took his vow's of a monk in 1506, and was ordained as a priest in Erfurt in 1507. At which time he began studying Theology at the University of Erfurt.
Ok that's it for tonight. Watch for the next episode "Ad Fontes!"
1 comment:
Thank you for the acknowledgment...your words are too kind.
Also...I appreciate the creative license that you are taking. It made me laugh to envision "Marty" and the boys going to one last kegger before the monastery.
Good stuff!
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