A science professor begins his school year with a lecture to the students, "Let me explain the problem science has with religion." The atheist professor of philosophy pauses before his class and then asks one of his new students to stand.
"You're a Christian, aren't you, son?"
"Yes sir," the student says.
"So you believe in God?"
"Is God good?"
"Sure! God's good."
"Is God all-powerful? Can God do anything?"
"Are you good or evil?"
"The Bible says I'm evil."
The professor grins knowingly. "Aha! The Bible!" He considers for a moment. "Here's one for you. Let's say there's a sick person over here and you can cure him. You can do it. Would you help him? Would you try?"
"Yes sir, I would."
"So you're good...!"
"I wouldn't say that."
"But why not say that? You'd help a sick and maimed person if you could. Most of us would if we could. But God doesn't."
The student does not answer, so the professor continues. "He doesn't, does he? My brother was a Christian who died of cancer, even though he prayed to Jesus to heal him. How is this Jesus good? Hmmm? Can you answer that one?"
The student remains silent.
"No, you can't, can you?" the professor says. He takes a sip of water from a glass on his desk to give the student time to relax.
"Let's start again, young fella. Is God good?"
"Er...yes," the student says.
"Is Satan good?"
The student doesn't hesitate on this one. "No."
"Then where does Satan come from?"
The student falters. "From God"
"That's right. God made Satan, didn't he? Tell me, son. Is there evil in this world?"
"Yes, sir."
"Evil's everywhere, isn't it? And God did make everything, correct?"
"So who created evil?" The professor continued, "If God created everything, then God created evil, since evil exists, and according to the principle that our works define who we are, then God is evil."
Again, the student has no answer. "Is there sickness? Immorality? Hatred? Ugliness? All these terrible things, do they exist in this world?"
The student squirms on his feet. "Yes."
"So who created them?"
The student does not answer again, so the professor repeats his question. "Who created them?" There is still no answer. Suddenly the lecturer breaks away to pace in front of the classroom. The class is mesmerized. "Tell me," he continues onto another student. "Do you believe in Jesus Christ, son?"
The student's voice betrays him and cracks. "Yes, professor, I do."
The old man stops pacing. "Science says you have five senses you use to identify and observe the world around you. Have you ever seen Jesus?"
"No sir. I've never seen Him."
"Then tell us if you've ever heard your Jesus?"
"No, sir, I have not."
"Have you ever felt your Jesus, tasted your Jesus or smelt your Jesus? Have you ever had any sensory perception of Jesus Christ, or God for that matter?"
"No, sir, I'm afraid I haven't."
"Yet you still believe in him?"
"According to the rules of empirical, testable, demonstrable protocol, science says your God doesn't exist. What do you say to that, son?"
"Nothing," the student replies. "I only have my faith."
"Yes, faith," the professor repeats. "And that is the problem science has with God. There is no evidence, only faith."
The student stands quietly for a moment, before asking a question of His own. "Professor, is there such thing as heat?"
"Yes," the professor replies. "There's heat."
"And is there such a thing as cold?"
"Yes, son, there's cold too."
"No sir, there isn't."
The professor turns to face the student, obviously interested. The room suddenly becomes very quiet. The student begins to explain. "You can have lots of heat, even more heat, super-heat, mega-heat, unlimited heat, white heat, a little heat or no heat, but we don't have anything called 'cold'. We can hit up to 458 degrees below zero, which is no heat, but we can't go any further after that. There is no such thing as cold; otherwise we would be able to go colder than the lowest -458 degrees."
"Every body or object is susceptible to study when it has or transmits energy, and heat is what makes a body or matter have or transmit energy. Absolute zero (-458 F) is the total absence of heat. You see, sir, cold is only a word we use to describe the absence of heat. We cannot measure cold. Heat we can measure in thermal units because heat is energy. Cold is not the opposite of heat, sir, just the absence of it."
Silence across the room. A pen drops somewhere in the classroom, sounding like a hammer.
"What about darkness, professor. Is there such a thing as darkness?"
"Yes," the professor replies without hesitation. "What is night if it isn't darkness?"
"You're wrong again, sir. Darkness is not something; it is the absence of something. You can have low light, normal light, bright light, flashing light, but if you have no light constantly you have nothing and it's called darkness, isn't it? That's the meaning we use to define the word."
"In reality, darkness isn't. If it were, you would be able to make darkness darker, wouldn't you?"
The professor begins to smile at the student in front of him. This will be a good semester. "So what point are you making, young man?"
"Yes, professor. My point is, your philosophical premise is flawed to start with, and so your conclusion must also be flawed."
The professor's face cannot hide his surprise this time. "Flawed? Can you explain how?"
"You are working on the premise of duality," the student explains. "You argue that there is life and then there's death; a good God and a bad God. You are viewing the concept of God as something finite, something we can measure. Sir, science can't even explain a thought."
"It uses electricity and magnetism, but has never seen, much less fully understood either one. To view death as the opposite of life is to be ignorant of the fact that death cannot exist as a substantive thing. Death is not the opposite of life, just the absence of it."
"Now tell me, professor. Do you teach your students that they evolved from a monkey?"
"If you are referring to the natural evolutionary process, young man, yes, of course I do."
"Have you ever observed evolution with your own eyes, sir?"
The professor begins to shake his head, still smiling, as he realizes where the argument is going. A very good semester, indeed.
"Since no one has ever observed the process of evolution at work and cannot even prove that this process is an on-going endeavor, are you not teaching your opinion, sir? Are you now not a scientist, but a preacher?"
The class is in uproar. The student remains silent until the commotion has subsided.
"To continue the point you were making earlier to the other student, let me give you an example of what I mean."
The student looks around the room. "Is there anyone in the class who has ever seen the professor's brain?" The class breaks out into laughter.
"Is there anyone here who has ever heard the professor's brain, felt the professor's brain, touched or smelt the professor's brain? No one appears to have done so. So, according to the established rules of empirical, stable, demonstrable protocol, science says that you have no brain, with all due respect, sir."
"So if science says you have no brain, how can we trust your lectures, sir?"
Now the room is silent. The professor just stares at the student, his face unreadable.
Finally, after what seems an eternity, the old man answers. "I guess you'll have to take them on faith."
"Now, you accept that there is faith, and, in fact, faith exists with life," the student continues. "Now, sir, is there such a thing as evil?"
Now uncertain, the professor responds, "Of course, there is. We see it everyday. It is in the daily example of man's inhumanity to man. It is in the multitude of crime and violence everywhere in the world. These manifestations are nothing else but evil."
To this the student replied, "Evil does not exist sir, or at least it does not exist unto itself. Evil is simply the absence of God. It is just like darkness and cold, a word that man has created to describe the absence of God. God did not create evil. Evil is the result of what happens when man does not have God's love present in his heart. It's like the cold that comes when there is no heat or the darkness that comes when there is no light."
The professor sat down.
If you read it all the way thru and had a smile on your face when you finished, repost =] God vs Science
Saturday, September 15, 2007
God vs Science
Posted by
John Ganger
10:09 AM

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This is awesome !
I always know science is nothing without scientists, but our God is everything even without us, he needs nothing from us, but we need and get everything from him.
Acts 17:24-28 24 "The God who made the world and everything in it is the Lord of heaven and earth and does not live in temples built by hands. 25 And he is not served by human hands, as if he needed anything, because he himself gives all men life and breath and everything else. 26 From one man he made every nation of men, that they should inhabit the whole earth; and he determined the times set for them and the exact places where they should live. 27God did this so that men would seek him and perhaps reach out for him and find him, though he is not far from each one of us. 28 'For in him we live and move and have our being.' As some of your own poets have said, 'We are his offspring.'
That's amazing!
This is really going to help me convert my friend. Thanks for posting this!
my bio teachers hate me because of this! Well done!!:)
one word "genious"
This is an excellent story, very well written. =)
The one minor problem I had with it (I'm an absolute stickler for facts) is that scientists do not say we evolved from monkeys. We evolved from a common ancestor. There was one species which split off to become monkeys, and another that became humans.
Keep writing! =D
Clear up something for me here.
So you say there is no darkness, only light. No cold, only heat. No evil, only good.
Darkness is created to let us know there is light
Cold to let us know there is heat.
Evil, to let us know there is good.
Answer me this. Why is there so much evil in this world? The classic problem with duality.
Hitler could have proved his point by killing off a hundred people. God let him kill thousands of people. Why the unnecessary deaths?
Families, trapped in a house caught in the blazing fire. It would be enough to show that fire is dangerous even when one person is killed. Why kill the whole family?
Duality is flawed, science is flawed, but science comes with evidence. :)
In the famous words of George Michael: "You gotta have faith"
Superb story my dear excellent composition . But i still believe in science . I dont have any faith with out any evidence.
I think this is a nice story, however, I do want to point out one major flaw in it. To quote you,
"The old man stops pacing. "Science says you have five senses you use to identify and observe the world around you. Have you ever seen Jesus?"
"No sir. I've never seen Him."
"Then tell us if you've ever heard your Jesus?"
"No, sir, I have not."
"Have you ever felt your Jesus, tasted your Jesus or smelt your Jesus? Have you ever had any sensory perception of Jesus Christ, or God for that matter?"
Similarly, the student asks the class whether their senses have confirmed the existence of the professor's brain. You failed to mention, however, whether they have seen it. As with science, they would easily have the capabilities to see his brain - is there no absolute truth in this? Would our own visions be proved false? I'm sure scans could prove the existence of his brain.
As someone pointed out before, science does have its flaws, but it does come with evidence.
What I'm curious about (and I have no intention of offending you by this) is how you explain this.
The whole story is lame. The student did not proved that god exists and professor shouldnt be professor if he doesnt know any basics of physics and can't defend his opinion. In fact there is darkness and cold - if there werent, why would whole population say "its dark outside" instead of "there is no light outside". If cold IS absence of heat, at any rate, it IS. Have you ever heard someone saying "its not very warm outside" when it is -30C?
And in fact you can see brain with a help of an axe or something similar.
In reply to July 13 post:
There is evidence for God, but in the form of prayers answered and various "miracles" etc on a personal level. The problem is that science cannot provide a scientific reasoning for "miracles". God does not conform to man's scientific method and therefore will never be scientifically proven, but the evidence is still there.
dude this is the best article ive ever read very well done!!! amazing dude great job every christian should have this outlook and every non-christian should read this! haha its sweet dude props to you!!!znprw
Awesome story...i used it to help many people see the truth...
To those of you who don't know God and are slamming this story,
Read it thoroughly, every word, and listen to its meaning...
I'm not saying that you beliefs are wrong, quite the contrary...
I believe that God created us, but He gave us a mechanism to survive...hence evolution, so we can withstand and endure the elements and ourselfs...He enables us to become better, so we can enjoy our time with Him on the earth that he created...
I do believe my theory is called "Creationism-Evolutionism", but I'm not to sure about that...
To those of you who read this who will not listen to reason and deny that there is a God, look around you...how can all of this possibly be a cosmic coincidence...Evolution by itself is not possible...
But you say, "I can't understand God, he is too difficult to understand." Well duh! If I had a god I could understand, to be on the same intellectual field with, we are all screwed...Once you can make a giraffe out of nothing, then you can come talk to me about no God...
The one thing about science that God has and it doesn't, is that God is unprovable...You cannot disprove God...there is no possible way to show that God does not exist...
If you have any argument,
my email is misterthief@gmail.com
I would be happy to disprove you...
Now that's what I am talking about!!! You see it is much much bigger than any one of us and all God has done is given us the gifts to begin to understand only what he wants us to understand at this point. it should never have benn titled God vs. Science it is God's Science, it is God's World, it is God's Universe. We just occupy it for a short time.
There's no doubt that this story is very inspirational -- but factually it is fundamentally flawed, by definition of what science is. This is completely independent of whether or not you're christian too...
For those professing a belief in christ please just hear me out, just google "debunking an urban legend evil is a lack of something" and you'll see the first link which discusses the numerous fallacies in the narrative
i'm not asking you to become atheists -- but the least you could do is have a working understanding of the opposite side -- which some obviously do not with their praise for such a, at best, sketchy argument
For those that are Athiets, saying are evidence is sketchy at best. Get this over 1 Million case studies in the US alone have reveal after death experiences outside of the body, and strikingly similar results in which Science has no explanation for, but infact reveals that the brain is completely dead and unfunctional with in seconds. Which means that science cannot explain why or exactly what is happening, but proves that indeed something is occuring that is outside of the body.
Also, multiple documents showing people returning to life that science says is medically impossible for them to be living. How do you debunk that, one.
Your time will come, and I'll be on the otherside waving at you. What is the meaning of your life.
How about the laws of Attraction?
For those that are Athiets, saying are evidence is sketchy at best. Get this over 1 Million case studies in the US alone have reveal after death experiences outside of the body, and strikingly similar results in which Science has no explanation for, but infact reveals that the brain is completely dead and unfunctional with in seconds. Which means that science cannot explain why or exactly what is happening, but proves that indeed something is occuring that is outside of the body.
Also, multiple documents showing people returning to life that science says is medically impossible for them to be living. How do you debunk that, one.
Your time will come, and I'll be on the otherside waving at you. What is the meaning of your life.
How about the laws of Attraction?
This is an amazing story, i've read it before, but i had to come back and see it again... I'm still very young and i've stil got alot to learn in life... But one thing i can tell you, without hesitation, people, there is a God... i promise you, everything God does has its purpose. We are the one's to judge everything, but do we read our bibles? i haven't seen this God, but i will continue to look for his love until the day i die. There is no greater and more iternal happiness than happiness if you have God in your life... I've seen some amazing stuf, unreal, breath taking.. that it hurts when i hear people critcise the LORD. Just one thing- listen here, i want to help you... Get a bible, read it, believe in it, and follow it... Your life will change. God bless you All! :)
This is an amazing story, i've read it before, but i had to come back and see it again... I'm still very young and i've stil got alot to learn in life... But one thing i can tell you, without hesitation, people, there is a God... i promise you, everything God does has its purpose. We are the one's to judge everything, but do we read our bibles? i haven't seen this God, but i will continue to look for his love until the day i die. There is no greater and more iternal happiness than happiness if you have God in your life... I've seen some amazing stuf, unreal, breath taking.. that it hurts when i hear people critcise the LORD. Just one thing- listen here, i want to help you... Get a bible, read it, believe in it, and follow it... Your life will change. God bless you All! :)
Everyone of us is born an atheist. It is not until a person is brainwashed by religion that they believe in a god. Grow up people... you're living your life as a child taught by a cult. I was raised Catholic, and I'm glad I have enough intelligence to really question what religion teaches versus true scientific knowledge.
And if you think you need a god to be a happy, decent, and loving person - trust me you don't. I have a wife and two children that I love and care for. And I experience emotions and love everyday without the need to read scripture, attend church, or pray to a false god.
By any chance, have any of you heard of 9/11 ??? These terrorists believed in a god just like you! And yet they committed these despicable acts that killed thousands of Americans! Where was your god to protect us from this evil? Or do you respond to events like this, "I'm sure god has his plan", or "we can't question god's reason why these Americans died."
Grow up people ...
I'm going to comment on one of the comments where a man said, "if you think you need a god to be a happy, decent, and loving person - trust me you don't. I have a wife and two children that I love and care for. And I experience emotions and love everyday without the need to read scripture, attend church, or pray to a false god." you might have happiness in this life my friend, but eternally, please think about it... wat will happen to you after you die? and tell me... how does science explain love? miracles? those things in life? if you believe we decended from monkeys or what ever original idea you have... good luck :) (i'm the same young boy who said get your bible and read it by the way). God bless All.
this is a pretty cool story... but don't find wrong in this, it's just a story... the truth is in the bible. humans fail and decese becuase they want to do everything their way... follow the bible!
(i'm stil the same young boy) hehe... God bless!
Millions of people have died, but they have gone to a better place, a place with God. We all have our time here on earth to live out our lives, then one day we'll be with God ourselves.
Death is not fair to us mortals, but think about it.. our life is merely a dream, a blink, compared to the afterlife.
Humans think we know everything, using science to prove everything. We hardly know everything, there is so much to be discovered about our world. About science, physics, everything. Science may one day be able to prove the existence of God, but what makes you think our science is capable to find God when our science isn't even capable enough to pick up radio signals from aliens! We're still a relatively primitive civilisation compared to what we could possibly be.
How do you know they have not already proven God but are keeping it away from us?!
Someone here said everyone is born an atheist but everyone is an "athiest" about everything when they are born. We have no set beliefs. Our world is defined by what we see, and our minds are subconciously polluted by the media and what is told to us as the truth. Who truly knows the truth? Those of you who think believers of God are ignorant and insult the words and belief in God are just as ignorant!!
Sure there are a lot of atheists in the world today, is that because people are realising there is no God or is that because more people are becoming apathetic on the subject of God and cannot be bothered into researching into their beliefs? Humans are like sheep. The majority will follow the majority. But the majority do not open their eyes, they do not try seek the truth, they do not know that we're being controlled by the media.
So open your mind. Open your eyes. Look around at the world you are in. Seek the truth, and then believe.
To "Anonymous young boy":
By any chance are you home schooled by your mother? Because your reasoning sounds very closed minded.
Your question: What will happen to me after I die? hmmm... let me see... my heart doesn't beat anymore, my brain shows no sign of activity, and my body decays fast unless it's brought to a funeral home that can embalm it. So to answer your question in the simplest way – I cease to be. All my life's personal trials, tribulations, experiences, emotions, and ideas are no more when oxygenated blood is no longer able to supply my brain. I know scary, huh? I can understand why most people don't want to accept the fact that we just die and are not transported to heaven, or another metaphysical state. They can't believe a person's life will just end into nothingness.
You ask for explanation on love and miracles. What miracles are you referring to that are either a hoax, or can easily be proven by science? As for love, I could easily prove how love evolved into its current state that we cherish now. For example, look at an animal that’s under attack by another animal, let’s say, a mother Wildebeest defending it’s young from a predatory lion. In most cases risking her very life for the protection of her children! Did God miraculously give this love to other species too??
You also bring up a common misconception with assuming that I think man descended from monkeys. Are you going to ask me now, "so if man came from monkeys, why are there still monkeys??". No where in the theory of evolution does it say we came from monkeys. It states that all primates have a common ancestry. (You ever been to the zoo and noticed that other primates have opposable thumbs too?) And this ancestry goes back even further to show relationships to other species. Have you even studied evolution? Or does your Mom ban these books from your home school studies? As I stated before, I was raised Catholic. I was baptized, went to Sunday school/communion, and received Confirmation in the Catholic faith. If you tell me there isn't a bad thing in the bible, you're either lying or ignorant. (Look at Deuteronomy 3, 1 Chronicles 21, or Joshua 6). At least I can say I studied your side of the argument with intensity when I was younger. What can you show me that you have studied science without the brainwashing Bible at your side? The bible is not a science book!
(And please don't tell me, "see you said evolution is only a theory!". Instead go read how scientists backup theories with facts, professional peer review, debates, and provable experimentation. I'm sure you count on the theory of gravity most everyday, right?)
So what happens if I'm wrong - and there is a God??? We'll I guess I will not be eternally happy because I didn't believe in God, so he struck me down to hell. Pretty inconsiderate of this omnipotent, and all powerful God. For the fact is I live my life as a very good person. Way much better than a person that commits a crime does! But should I assume that because this criminal may be “born-again” and accepts God into his life, he has a better chance of getting in to heaven then me? Pretty egotistical for an all powerful God, that can do whatever He wants, to force this notion unto the very man he “supposedly” created.
No I don’t need your advice “young boy”. I gave up the bible a long time ago. But I do think you need to study science before your mind closes up and doesn’t accept reason or facts anymore.
To the Atheist that used to be a Catholic. Let me first say that I can relate, I was driven from the "church" at an early age because of the hypocrisy I observed. With the limited Biblical knowledge I had, I did not understand the Truth and I was unable to see beyond the "people" involved and their failures as "Christians".
Now, on to Science, there is no doubt that a scientific method consists of the collection of data through observation and experimentation, and the formulation and testing of hypotheses. So, in effect, science measures what we have physical and repeatable evidence of. Science however, cannot prove many things that we take for granted, such as emotions and exactly how our minds think for example. Sure, we have a brain and the chemical composition of it, but what is it that make us think? Just how do we measure the tug at our hearts when a loved one is hurt or dies? When we look up into the sky at night and observe the science of the universe and wonder if there is a God, is that not God that has placed that into our hearts so we will search for Him?
Let's suppose for a minute that there is a God that created all we know. How powerful and beyond our comprehension must He be? In comparison to the universe, we are not even equal to the size of microbes! God must be so much more than my finite imagination can concieve! I therefore cannot use my puny thought processes to define Him.
Forty years after I left the "church", I was listening to a young friend of my son explain his new found faith and I heard something that drew me. To make a long story short, God is not about religion, He is about a relationship with His son Jesus Christ. I know you have read John 3:16 where God sent His only son to save us. He did that because He LOVES us. John 14:6 is also very important because this is one of the places in the Bible where Jesus tells us that He is the only way to God.
There is proof that God exists! It is found in the hearts of those of us that have accepted Jesus as their Lord and Savior. Ask them about the hole in their heart that Jesus has filled with His Holy Spirit! Ask them about the lack of anxitey, the peace that they have, the love they feel that comes only from Jesus! (By the way, Muslims and Christians do not have the same God, the difference is Jesus. Check it out.)
Love is defined by God in John 3:16 and 1 Corinthians 13. God gave us science to explain what we see, but He gave us Jesus and the Holy Spirit to explain who He is and how much He loves us. He also gives us our whole life to find Him and make the choice to accept His love for us. We do not deserve His love, for we are sinners and fall way short of His Glory and His perfection, but He offers it freely to us if we turn from our sins and ask Jesus to save us. I have always been a "good" person and believed that I might go to heaven. I now know that it's not about what I do, I cannot work my way into heaven no matter what I do, no matter how "good" I try to be. It's what God has already done for me through His son, Jesus. I am now assured that Jesus will welcome me into Heaven!
What helped me the most was finding a Bible version that I could read and understand, the NIV. There are many, NASB, New King James, etc. Find one that you understand and read it! You cannot understand God if you don’t read His Word. Locate a good Bible based church that teaches about the saving Grace of Jesus. Remember, it’s not about religion, don’t give money if you don’t feel like it! Don’t go because you think you have to! Go to learn about Jesus. It is about a relationship with Him.
Then when you are ready, pray this short prayer to accept Jesus into your heart. “Lord Jesus, I am sorry for my sins. I turn from them (repent) and ask that you come into my life and save me. I believe that you are the Son of God and died for my sins. I accept you into my heart and ask that you guide me so I may see you in heaven. Thank you Jesus, Amen”
Once you have accepted Jesus, read the Bible (Basic Instruction Before Leaving Earth) every day, talk to God each day (pray), attend that Bible church to learn more, fellowship with others and share with others what Jesus means to you!
God loves you the way you are, but loves you too much to leave you that way!
To the Atheist that used to be a Catholic. Let me first say that I can relate, I was driven from the "church" at an early age because of the hypocrisy I observed. With the limited Biblical knowledge I had, I did not understand the Truth and I was unable to see beyond the "people" involved and their failures as "Christians".
Now, on to Science, there is no doubt that a scientific method consists of the collection of data through observation and experimentation, and the formulation and testing of hypotheses. So, in effect, science measures what we have physical and repeatable evidence of. Science however, cannot prove many things that we take for granted, such as emotions and exactly how our minds think for example. Sure, we have a brain and the chemical composition of it, but what is it that make us think? Just how do we measure the tug at our hearts when a loved one is hurt or dies? When we look up into the sky at night and observe the science of the universe and wonder if there is a God, is that not God that has placed that into our hearts so we will search for Him?
Let's suppose for a minute that there is a God that created all we know. How powerful and beyond our comprehension must He be? In comparison to the universe, we are not even equal to the size of microbes! God must be so much more than my finite imagination can concieve! I therefore cannot use my puny thought processes to define Him.
Forty years after I left the "church", I was listening to a young friend of my son explain his new found faith and I heard something that drew me. To make a long story short, God is not about religion, He is about a relationship with His son Jesus Christ. I know you have read John 3:16 where God sent His only son to save us. He did that because He LOVES us. John 14:6 is also very important because this is one of the places in the Bible where Jesus tells us that He is the only way to God.
There is proof that God exists! It is found in the hearts of those of us that have accepted Jesus as their Lord and Savior. Ask them about the hole in their heart that Jesus has filled with His Holy Spirit! Ask them about the lack of anxitey, the peace that they have, the love they feel that comes only from Jesus! (By the way, Muslims and Christians do not have the same God, the difference is Jesus. Check it out.)
Love is defined by God in John 3:16 and 1 Corinthians 13. God gave us science to explain what we see, but He gave us Jesus and the Holy Spirit to explain who He is and how much He loves us. He also gives us our whole life to find Him and make the choice to accept His love for us. We do not deserve His love, for we are sinners and fall way short of His Glory and His perfection, but He offers it freely to us if we turn from our sins and ask Jesus to save us. I have always been a "good" person and believed that I might go to heaven. I now know that it's not about what I do, I cannot work my way into heaven no matter what I do, no matter how "good" I try to be. It's what God has already done for me through His son, Jesus. I am now assured that Jesus will welcome me into Heaven!
What helped me the most was finding a Bible version that I could read and understand, the NIV. There are many, NASB, New King James, etc. Find one that you understand and read it! You cannot understand God if you don’t read His Word. Locate a good Bible based church that teaches about the saving Grace of Jesus. Remember, it’s not about religion, don’t give money if you don’t feel like it! Don’t go because you think you have to! Go to learn about Jesus. It is about a relationship with Him.
Then when you are ready, pray this short prayer to accept Jesus into your heart. “Lord Jesus, I am sorry for my sins. I turn from them (repent) and ask that you come into my life and save me. I believe that you are the Son of God and died for my sins. I accept you into my heart and ask that you guide me so I may see you in heaven. Thank you Jesus, Amen”
Once you have accepted Jesus, read the Bible (Basic Instruction Before Leaving Earth) every day, talk to God each day (pray), attend that Bible church to learn more, fellowship with others and share with others what Jesus means to you!
God loves you the way you are, but loves you too much to leave you that way!
This is about Albert Einstein. I'm trying to find the book that this came from. It is just amazing to me. The first time I read it I got chills. Everyone I've sent it to had been amazed. Love it, thanks for posting it!
To all you "believers", it is a mockery to associate Albert Einstein (one of the greatest scientific minds to walk on this planet) with this story. And quite honestly, insulting to the scientific community.
To begin with, read www.snopes.com/religion/einstein.asp
"My position concerning God is that of an agnostic. I am convinced that a vivid consciousness of the primary importance of moral principles for the betterment and ennoblement of life does not need the idea of a law-giver, especially a law-giver who works on the basis of reward and punishment." --Albert Einstein
"It was, of course, a lie what you read about my religious convictions, a lie which is being systematically repeated. I do not believe in a personal god and I have never denied this but have expressed it clearly. If something is in me which can be called religious then it is the unbounded admiration for the structure of the world so far as our science can reveal it." --Albert Einstein
People have commented that you could see the professor's brain through a medical scan of some kind. Maybe a better word for the student to have used would be "knowledge" instead of "brain". You can't see, touch, feel, hear, or taste the knowledge even if it is there. You can only experience the effects of his knowledge, just like you can experience the wonderful effects of God.
All I see are arguments for and against God. What I see is a world which we should live our lives with the people we love, growing our children up the best we possibly can. Life is short and unpredictable, why waste it trying to prove or disprove a personal God or not. We will all find out one day. I believe science has it's place in our world and has given us medical cures, discovered and unlocked mysteries beyond imagination. However, we need to keep our minds opened to possibilities beyond the proof of science. Science can not measure love, but we can feel it, hence we know it exists. Finally I say... live your life with love, so that when it's time to die you've lived the best life you possibly can and are prepared for death, and if there is an afterlife - great! If not - you've had a great life!
To Anonymous writing "Life is short and unpredictable..."
I'm the Catholic turned atheist.
I like your post; you make some good points. And I totally agree with you that life is too short.
The problem is (as you'll soon see) is that you'll get responses from Christian Fundamentalists stated that you are in error. They'll say, "If you want to go to heaven you must believe in Jesus Christ our Lord". Otherwise you'll spend eternity in hell. And they'll probably even quote John 14:6 or John 3:36.
Honestly, I would like to believe in an afterlife just as much as the next person! But to go to the heaven that's written in the Bible, knowing that all the sinners and non-believers of the world are in hell.... what kind of paradise is that? What kind of caring and loving “God” does that? I personally would rather die into nothingness than have everlasting life in a "paradise" like that.
See this is the flaw in your thinking though...it will not be a "nothingness" when you die, it will be one or the other...you get a choice here on earth but that's not one of the choices. So given all of your wisdom isn't it wiser to believe in God and at least hedge your bets than to not believe and hope you have lived right enough to still deserve a place in heaven? Now I am strictly speaking here as one point of argument which I personally do not share, but I do believe that I have fallen short of God's expectations and only through God's grace will I go to heaven. And by truly believing in him do I hope to gain some of that grace and mercy on me.
You just proved my point, John. Thanks.
Ok. I digress. This will be my final post.
First off, I apologize if I offended anyone with my posts. But after reading this story and seeing some of the other posts, I felt the need to speak my mind. You probably think I'm "misguided" or "lost"... well that's a two-way street.
Second, thanks to John for posting my comments. I appreciate you posting everything and censoring nothing - even if you don't agree with it.
I only want to leave everyone with these thoughts...
1) Can you imagine a world without God or religion, and a possibility of no afterlife? Just think how much more peaceful a world we could live in if everyone realized, "this is it, let's make the best of it". No more wars, no more conflicts. Just a greater respect and care for fellow human beings (of all races, backgrounds, and orientations). Because there is a possibility that will be the only state of existence we'll ever have.
2) If you believe in a 2000+ year old bible as the word of God, ask yourself this... Don't you think it should contain judgment and ideas that should stand the test of time? If you're going to preach the good parts, at least acknowledge and question the bad parts. Especially since you believe it was created by your all powerful, omnipotent God. I mean everyone agrees now that slavery was one of the lowest points in the history of man. But yet the bible contains many verses of the acceptance and approval of slavery.
That is it. May everyone live a long and good life.
From Anonymous writing "Life is short and unpredictable..."
To "I'm the Catholic turned atheist". I am aware there are fantatics in all religions who's comments really don't bother me personally. Actually I find them amusing. Gee, if you only knew of all the sins I've mad in my life. My husband was brought up to be a Greek orthodox, but has no strong beliefs. I sit on the fence to many things being possible. That reminds me, I must get the children's photo's taken with Santa!
i just want to say that this is a very well written and very well played out story
I hate to rain on everyone's parade about how glorious this story is, but IT IS A COMPLETE LIE. Someone made this entire story up out of thin air.
Einstein was one of religion's harshest critics.
Just for fun, here are a couple REAL Einstein quotes... Feel free to look them up for yourself.
* "the Jewish religion like all other religions is an incarnation of the most childish superstitions."
* "the word God is for me nothing more than the expression and product of human weaknesses, the Bible a collection of honorable but still primitive legends which are nevertheless pretty childish."
These two quotes came from a private paper Einstein had written to a philosopher in 1954 - one year before his death.
Hello Mr. Einstein follower. No rain on this part of the world. You believe in Einstein's theories and therefore he must be right?? Wrong! Many people have dreams and visions - A famous quote "I had a dream, I had a vision" and dreams do come true!! So all those people who have had insight into the future, or people who have had after death experiences are liars too? Life is NOT blank and white. Einstein did many great things, and so did Mother Theresa.
do you believe thatgod is all loving and forgiving?
than how do you explain the drowning of all sinners on earth?
the bible is very contridicting. any good scientist or teacher would know that there is no cold or darkness.
Reply:an atheist said...
do you believe thatgod is all loving and forgiving?
Yes indeed
And is science not contradicting? Why do so many scientist still believe in God with all their theories and facts? Ever heard of Jill Bolte? - A brain scientist who had a stroke, in which that experience has indeed strenthened her spirituality. The bile was written a very long time ago and can be subject to a diversity in theories. However, there are facts where people have lived to tell of their real experiences in Near Death and meeting with God. Of course there is a God. You really think you die, rot and that's it? People have had too many different real experience which can not be scientifically challenged to verify this belief. Imagine if the world was only filled with scientist??..
One post said that the bible was for slavery, can you provide a verse? Just because an old testament verse mentioned slavery does not mean the bible promoted it. An eye for an eye was mans law not Gods, many also take that out of context. For the fallen atheist the only difference between Santa and Satan is where you place the n both are products of lies to take away from the Saviors birth, death and purpose.
Real truth comes from God`s word. Truth has but one answer, lies and theory have many answers. Only truth will survive the gates of hell, lies and theory will not.
Each person perhaps has a different opinion on why supposedly "bad" people did such "bad" things. However, the answer to questions such as, why did hitler have to kill so many people? or why is there evil in this world? is based on one's perspective and opinion. Now, i do not know the answer to such questions, but would there be good without bad? how would we have known that people are good if there was no bad to compare it with?
i think this story is excellent and helped my faith grow stronger, thank you.
Ok, I am never one to leave comments on these types of pages, but after reading what some of you have said, I feel as though I must. This article was not written by the person who posted it. It is infact an insert from Albert Einsteins book "God Vs. Science" written in . For the person who was insulting these facts about no cold, no death, no darkness, you my friend are the idiot. How dark can dark get? Black is black!! It doesnt get Blacker?!?! And how about death? Can someone be "REALLY DEAD" or "DEADER" than some one else? Ill save you the headache and give you the answer.....its no. When there is no light..society "calls it" dark. ABSENSE OF LIGHT!!! When something has no life, society calls it "dead". It is not until energy becomes present that you see "light" or "life" for that matter. Tell ya what, I feel smaller just for leaving this comment and wasting my time explaining this. Face the facts. God made you. Jesus was beaten, torchered, nailed to a cross, and bled.....for you. All of you may think that evidence is what you need to justify your theories and sleep better at night but one thing is for sure..when you dont wake up from that sleep, you will have all the evidence you need. Because when you look up to your maker and he looks down at you...you will wish there were such thing as cold. Have a good nights sleep!!!
This is a ridiculous strawman argument. Having a student be able to mock their professor is not proof that there is a God. It's just proof that some kid is good at debate.
As for evil, it doesn't make any sense does it to have Jesus going around saying "Love your neighbor and forgive everyone their sins" and then have God not even being capable of that himself! Apparently we are expected to be super human in our kindness while our God gets to be a complete arsehole and send people to hell for eternity - which makes him worse than all the evil that has ever existed in mankind combined. Why would you want to worship such a loser? I don't think there is any better way to spell out the truth about what is written in the bible than what Richard Dawkins already said in The God Delusion:
"The God of the Old Testament is arguably the most unpleasant character in all fiction: jealous and proud of it; a petty, unjust, unforgiving control-freak; a vindictive, bloodthirsy ethnic cleanser; a misogynistic, homophobic, racist, infanticidal, genocidal, filicidal, pestilential, megalomaniacal, sado-masochistic, capriciously malevolent bully."
He wrote that meaning for it to be funny but unfortunately it's true. I've read the bible all the way through several times and it really just leaves God looking like a psychopath who changes his mind about ethics every two seconds depending on his mood. The real reason for this is because a whole lot of diffent MEN wrote the bible, not God. No God worthy of respect would be that much of an idiot. To me that is evidence enough he doesn't exist because if he did, he would probably at least make sense.
For starters I would like someone to logically explain how a man getting nailed to a cross cleanses people of sin. Or for that matter killing a sheep. Isn't that a bit primative on God's part? And what made God decide sheep were not good enough one day and instead that his son would be better?
It's spelled "genius," genius.
It must be wonderful to be unhindered by the tenants of logic! Truly you are a blissful person, if ignorance is bliss.
The number of inconsistencies and departures into fantasy in this "story" amaze me.
Now, get off my lawn!
The above GENIUS congrats on your spelling correction, you must be feeling quite chuffed with yourself. Maybe you have the higher IQ than most - remember - most Genius/Insane people have a rather different perception to life, God, etc. To think believing on God is only something driven from believing in the bible!! It is about personal life experiences - feelings and the ability to open up to anything being possible. Hey who wants to get on your turf anyhow??
The bile is only meant as a guide - What is it with all you fanatical athiests here?
"Bile" - hey, that is a good word for the bible.
What is it with fanatical athiests? Well it could be this. Failure to think logically about bullshit in the bible comes from the same sort of minds that will fail to think about other things in life logically - especially at times that matter. Then it's the logical people who end up having to put up with silly laws being passed and imposed on them by illogical people (sometimes in the name of God!)
Here is an example of something illogical - God creates Adam and Eve. Supposedly we are to believe humanity started with these two. OK, so where did the other people come? They would have had to start having sex with their kids, and the kids would have had to have started having sex with each other to create more people. If we are really to believe humanity started with Adam and Eve why don't we all have two heads and 5 arms? Everyone with half a brain knows that when families interbreed you get mutations that are undesirable. That is why families don't screw each other!
And yet people who believe that story make our laws......
Also, war is stupid. How many wars have been created in the name of religion? So much for being peaceful. Maybe athiests just want to see people start making sense, stop killing each other and use their intelligence instead for better things.
Look, I am a Christian Physics professor. I'm not trying to convince anyone here anything although it might seem like it. I just like to question people and get their interpretations of it.
What would faith be if evidence is existant within the subject? Nothing! What would science be if we knew it all? Nothing! As previously mentioned, "There are no absolute truths in science." It is just an innocent until proven guilty type deal. Theoretical laws like gravity and inertia are just ways to explain something for the time being - until someone finds a flaw within the structure of it. I am not saying everything I'm teaching is false, but it has the possibility to change everyday. We, as society, are using science as a faith, not a formula. True - science is tested everyday, and the majority of the time it will remain the same. Whether you realize it or not, you put faith into scientific experiments. So what is science without faith? You decide. From my perspective I see science and faith merely as a comparison to light/dark, or cold/hot.
Let me further say if you are an Atheist, my heart is out to you, but I'm not going to waste my time in trying to change someone's mind and heart. I'm all for witnessing, but a change of heart must be done on your own free will.
My own personal opinion:
Man is free-moral agents of God. We are able to make decisions for ourselves, think with or without God, but most importantly, have a decision to accept him or not. This story is not to argue over, but for people to discuss our views. I believe it is showing us that science is strictly staying to so-called "factual" knowledge rather than leaning into faith. Thanks for reading. If you have any questions, email is jtjamerson01@iccms.edu: I am very open-minded. I will not say your opinion is crap; however, I will likely return my opinion as well.
look not meaning to be rude or take the mick,but this story has been no help what so ever,for the main reason i still have nothing to believe in!but the way im starting to see things that science is god because the fact is science is the cure for some illness but one day all,they are making light bulbs heaters so u never have to be in the dark nor feel cold so im not trying to say there is nothing but im stuck in the middle here and i just dont know what were here for,but in gods eyes what is the point of life? if anyone can shed some light on this then it would be great or are we all just wasting are time?
Hi Christian Physics Professor,
I liked your post but I'd like to point out the obvious (in reference to your comment):
"Whether you realize it or not, you put faith into scientific experiments. So what is science without faith?"
Science is not about faith. At least, hopefully not for those who are scientists. Maybe it is for those people in the general public who are only interested half heartedly about scientific things via whatever bungled interpretation the media spits out and are not interested to investigate things for themselves. They have to have faith in what is delivered to them via scientists because they don't have any other option but to take the assumption that the scientists are telling the truth.
But science itself is not about faith. Science is hopefully about questioning things continually in an impartial way in order to get closer and closer to the truth about things. Any scientific theory at any time may have flaws in it and be a work in progress, but what is important is that there is a continuing quest to understand how things REALLY are.
So, people might put faith in scientists that they are doing a good job but is this the same as having faith in religion or God? No it is not. The reason? It is perfectly OK to question science and scientists and say "I don't think you're right", or "that is not logical", but it is not OK to question God or religion in the same way. You are required to have "faith" and not point out the absurdities that do not make logical sense. With religion it is not OK to question things and people don't.
So where does that leave us? Well, if you want to have faith in scientists at least you know that they are supposed to be getting at the truth. But with God your faith has about as much backup as choosing to have faith that good things happen in life because fairies and gnomes make magic at the bottom of your garden. There is no proof they didn't and noone is looking to see if the reason for the good things lies with some other, perfectly logical explanation.
Science I am pleased to say does not need to rely on faith to be effective. Unfortunately, religion does.
science is god! with out science we would not be able to help people with illness and you have all been to the doctor!am i right?the doctor is one of science disciples!just like xbyt says acts 17:24:-28 24,if this is the truth then he made science for the good of mankind!!!!
god bless everyone i love this story i will tell all my friends
The Fanatical Athiest with 1/2 a brain.
I'm actually starting to enjoy your comments...
Firstly - War is stupid?? Really? Is that all you can say about war? War is horrific, cruel and tragic. People cause war, not God! People use religion as a tool for fighting war, and politics, race, etc... People have always fought people and will continue to fight people. A few things we know for sure is that we will die one day and that conflict is inevitable.
God does not belong to any religion, people do. God did not write the bible, people did. The bible is only a tool to enable people to realise there is an afterlife. Adam and Eve...? Please!! We all know this is just a story. As far as many people describing their NDE's in such detail and other real events, surely you would at least consider the possibility of something that cannot be measured or described in the convenience of mathematics or mind-play.
Such experiences, dreams, and intuitions have enormous power to heal. Currently, our society trivializes such experiences and dismisses them as fantasies of dysfunctional brains or the mind's safety net against grief. They are real experiences, as real as any other human perception. We only have to listen to them to understand them. They often contain the seeds needed to heal grief and to understand death.
FYI There is a great site from a scientific perspective on god and science - atheists take a look http://www.godandscience.org/apologetics/atheismintro2.html
If there were no religion, no God, no arguement for good vs. evil, what is stop all of us from trying to aquire those things in life that would make us 'happy' by any means possible? Who would be the judge of what is good and what is evil without religion? Where would morals come from? You could say God is just the human race's idea of what is good and what is evil and I guess if I am wrong you would be correct. Either way - someone has to stand up and say what is good and what is evil. Someone has to get that idea out to the masses and teach morals, because not everyone is lucky enough to be raised by decent people and are taught horrible things. Religion is a lifesaver for many. Without it there would only be more evil and war and hate. It gives people guidlines to follow and a reason to do 'the right thing.'
Sure some people may not believe in 'religion' but still teach their children good vs evil, but religion reaches so many more. Are there wars in the name of religion, sure. The reason for that is people are flawed. We make mistakes. Religion itself isn't perfect because it is run and sustained by humans. My point is if people want to believe in God and attend church and propagate love, faith, and all things good, what is the harm in that? Because some people teach the wrong thing in the name of religion all religion is bad? Because some make the mistake of crying war in the name of God it is evil? Because bad things happen in the world, we should do away with religion; because PEOPLE make bad choices and make mistakes? What does that accomplish? Would you take away something that is most of the time a positive thing just because bad exists? Shut down charities because some have misused the dontations. Shut down school sports because some people abuse their postion as coach. Stop anything positive because some people choose to use it for evil. How is that logical? The people who have written here to argue against religion come across as slightly angry and negative people, and I have to wonder why they are here if they don't care about religion or are against it. OK - the story above is not true or has flaws, but there are interesting ideas in it concerning science vs. religion and it is definitly a conversation starter. Why get on and argue with people who believe and got something positive out of it? If you didn't get anything positive out of it why not just move along? You felt the need to get on and add something negative to those who actually did benefit from it. Does that make you evil, or does it show God led you here to try and show you his love and your flawed way of thinking? I am not saying that is my opinion, and I am not critisizing you or saying you are wrong. As I have said - I could be the one who is wrong. Neither of us will know the answer for a long while hopefully. Personally, I believe in God and I would rather live with Faith and Love and be wrong in the end than the alterntive. I would rather be wrong and just cease to exsist than be someone who chose not to believe and lived as if there were no God and find out there is. I am not saying I believe you are going to hell. I think many religions do have a rather human way of looking at how God would decide who would go to Heaven and who would go to Hell, but I do believe in the end some will be lost. But maybe, just maybe it will be by their own choice. Maybe in the end a loving God would forgive all and lead them to heaven, and maybe there will be those that still say I don't need you. I don't want you. I would rather not exist. Maybe that is Hell.
The above comments are quite nice. May I ask you a few things? What do you think really happens after death? What is heaven then and what would you do there, forever?
first of all.. science does have an explanation for those "out-of-body," life after death, light at the end of the tunnel experiences. it is the oxygen being cut off from the brain that creates that tunnel-like vision toward a bright white light.. the light at the end of the tunnel. science can completely disprove this entire anecdote. for one, yes, running the professor under one of many brain scanners would indeed prove the existence of his brain. don't believe an mri, pet scan etc? you could physically open the head and skull (though i wouldn't recommend it) and view, touch, smell and taste (that would probably be a bit gross) the brain if you so desired. using the brain as an example made for a witty one liner for the student, but anyone with some common sense would understand that was poorly thought out analogy. i do believe in a god, or at least some force or higher being that had to be responsible for bringing life to our planet, and rhythm to our universe, but i really think it is far fetched, and rather absurd with the type of knowledge we have today to honestly think that there is a meddling god. science and psychology both show that the brain is responsible for our mechanisms, thoughts, actions, beliefs etc. if not, each person would be identical in their reflection of god. their thoughts, morals and values would all reflect the same thing. this isn't the case. humans are all different. within religions there are even beliefs that are misconstrued and misinterpreted all the time. that is why there are muslim extremists, white supremacists etc. humans have the ability to choose for themselves. they are not governed by a superior being. it's simply not the way it is. science can explain both human phenomena and earthly phenomena. why then, do people still place so much faith in something they truly cannot see, smell, touch, hear or taste? why are people of all religions so keen on believing transcripts written by storytellers, with no possible way of fact checking. scripts that were dug up in caves, and written potentially decades after the events they describe, are taken as law. to the extent of causing extreme harm to others or to the extent of limiting their lives in the name of that law. why is it so hard to believe that there can be a human, void of belief in god and religion, that has a good heart and knows wrong from right.. why can they not lead a righteous life and cause happiness to those around them? it all seems very absurd to me.
The crazy atheist people are growing more and more ridiculous by the day, the hour, the minute. It is very sad to see that they can not understand or feel that they have never experienced God's incredible presence or love before. Another thing that the Atheist population do not understand is that if they are truly going to die for nothing, nothing at all. They don't comprehend the fact that when they have taken their last breath and get tucked away in a little wooden box, they are going to stay in that little wooden box. Dead, as nothing, decomposing into the earth forever and ever. Fortunately for Christians, this is not the case. We will all be able to live an eternal life, with God. The point being, there is no reason not to put FAITH in Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior. Because if their is never any faith applied then your dying for no reason, with no hope. Even if you are sketchy on the idea of Christ when you first go to a church or talk about this with a friend is it not still better to have hope that your dying for something? And honestly... Evolution? The Big Bang Theory? Lamo k damo and truly very immature thoughts. I as a five year old used to wonder how i came to be, before excepting Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior and giving my life to him. I came up with many different ideas but none of them ever had to do with monkeys. Do you truly think that the caged up animal at the zoo and in the jungle is your brother? This is an obvious no. And do you truly think that the world, which has enough gravitational pull, for all you "Scientific" morons, could have simply been made by a combustion of different particles known as the Big boom? Once again no, obviously not. And if neither of those examples were taken to heart, think of this... the periodic table. It is truly perfectly arranged by order, mass, charge and many other patterns. Could this truly have happened without a God? I dont think so. haha. ANyways, for all of you who are atheists crazies your making the wrong decision. Im by no means afraid to straight up tell you. Your turning away from a big hug, an out stretched hand, and a loving heart for no good reason except for fear, or stuborness. And none of us want to be the person laying on our death beds wondering What if? What if i would have Listened to God calling me? To end with, God is the easiest person ever to fall in love with. He created everything, so he is truly a father of all fathers. And the second reason he is so easy to fall in love with is that he already loves you. He'll always be there, ready for you to be ready for him. It doesnt take hard work, or a perfect person, but rather all of the different types of ppeople to be Christians. There is nothing to lose.
Athiests do not choose not to believe in God, they aren't born that way or are brought up that way. I was born into a loving family with Christian teachings. I used to pray before sleeping, go to church regularly and believe in Jesus etc. I would like, just like everyone on this earth - to have an eternal life and be reuinted with the people that I love, but over time I have matured and have come to a realisation that it's all just an illusion. Sadly the truth is - how could (for example)a compassionate and loving God allow children die from cancers? Believe me, having faith was very comforting and I'm not out to try to convince anyone else they are wrong or right, but I have lost my faith and can only see logic!!
I strongly agree faith is the most fundamental aspect to have with god. You may ask what is that mean to have faith with god?
Ask yourself? everyday of you life are you living without faith, if answer is yes, then you are hopeless people. because you don't even have faith that tomorrow you wake up and you still alive. think about work you doing everyday, you do have faith that you will get some benefit from that work. even between husband and wife, they do have faith with one another else it just destructive life.
So conclusion is to seek god and to be benefit require you to have faith, a strong believe that god really exist, a believe that god will seek you and be your savior. Have faith with god like you have faith with your life, your work, your spouse, you will see awesome god really is. you + faith => god + miracle => your life. I am experience that everyday of my life
Good Story.
One comment in general. There are people in the media who "represent" Christians. These people make fools of themselves by making poor arguments and using tired old arguments that can be easily refuted and manipulated.
Once an atheist told me that humans are innately good. I thought about this and I wonder if without religion I would still be trying to be a good person. (I hope I would be through education). That's the only problem I have with the last argument.
Science have flaws. All religions have flaws.
Difference: Science uses proof such as observation,statistics, logic and so on to prove its theories. Religion does not or do not have as much support. I only now of Christianity having the Bible as its theories. And if I renamed the Bible, it could even be a novel, eh?
As far as I can see, science addresses their flaws and continuously improve on their theories. Just take a look at how Einstein improved upon "Newton's" theory. Science improves. Religion rarely has any improvements.
I also accept that science has a lot of things that it cannot prove, like so called miracles, near-death experiences, Creationism, and so on. But one day, science will give an answer for all those. Remember when scientists like Galileo Galilei said that the Earth moves round the Sun? The church denied their theories, regarding them as heretics and followers of Satan. And not only do we accept heliocentrism now, we opened up our eyes and saw even more of the Universe.
I also accept that science has a lot of things that it cannot prove, like so called miracles, near-death experiences, Creationism, and so on. But one day, science will give an answer for all those. Remember when scientists like Galileo Galilei said that the Earth moves round the Sun? The church denied their theories, regarding them as heretics and followers of Satan. And not only do we accept heliocentrism now, we opened up our eyes and saw even more of the Universe.
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