I read an article this past weekend while I was sitting in a hospital room thanking God for the blessings I have in my life and thankful that my daughter would soon be walking out of there. As I read the article I was mixed with emotion. It is so easy to slip into the old ways when emotions of anger or defense mechanisms start to kick in. So I took a deep breath, thanked God for everything in my life and asked him how or IF, I should respond. God spoke and here is my response;
So the author of this article (Jean Lundquist) starts the first paragraph;
"By now, the stories have become a cliché. You know the ones — where someone enduring a difficult or embarrassing ordeal suddenly sees the light and, in one of those a-ha moments, finds God." *
I would like to point out for the author that while my "finding" God was an "a-ha" moment for me, it was NOT enduring a difficult or embarrassing ordeal. Quite frankly, it was driving down the road! I was not enduring a hardship in my life or contemplating death or illness, I was thinking about what I had to do for work the next day! Yep just another ordinary moment of driving down a road. The "cliché" in all of this is the continuing attack on God, Christianity, Judaism, and Islam.
Atheism is defined as "the doctrine or belief that there is no God." according to wordnet at Princeton University. Ok it would be pretty simple if thats all the definition was...however if you look further at the definition of atheism you will find something more like this: "belief that there is no god and that religion should be suppressed." Now the ordinary Christian is not running through the streets saying "Atheism is bad and should not be allowed in our schools" Christians have learned the meaning of tolerance and forgiveness and love. If however, you venture out to the American Atheist website you will find a very disturbing site preaching intolerance for ANY religion or anyone who believes in God. If you read the articles they believe that religions should not have any rights! And that they are the ones that are suffering because of religion. All I can say is...I am sorry for your pain and I will pray for you.
I want to be very clear...I am not upset. I am not angry. I honestly feel very sorry for these people in the article. I hope that someday they will realize the flaw in their thought process. I mean if these people are really intellectuals and enlightened people. You would think the smart thing to do would be to at least hedge your bet and believe in God. I mean what do you really have to lose? If your right and there is no God then when you die you will be stuffed in the ground and it will be all over. BUT, if there IS a God...why would you jeopardize your one shot at eternal life?
I know there is a God and I pray to him to guide my path each and every day.
I thank you for shining your light on me and filling my heart with joy and happiness like I have never felt before in my life. You have brought new found meaning to my life and new friends and relationships that I would never have had without you. Thank You God, for this life you have given me and help me to share your love with those who are seeking to understand and those who have lost their way. Help me to be more understanding and to live my life like Christ. I pray this in Jesus name. - Amen
BTW, If your looking for this article in the Mankato Free Press under the title printed in the paper forget it they cleverly changed it and If you try to search by the author or the title you will not find it Here is the complete article: Becoming atheist akin to finding religion
*Excerpt from: Godlessness, published in the Mankato Free Press, Sunday September 4, 2007 By Jean Lundquist
Tuesday, September 4, 2007
Posted by
John Ganger
9:19 PM

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So g0d speaks to you, then? Directly, as with voices in your head? It would be called an illness, but add the g0d bit and it automatically becomes a revelation.
Atheism says nothing about suppressing faith. It just says to take things as they are, to view reality without the distorting glass of superstition that has shackled the human mind for too long.
It's enough to sit and enjoy the beauty of a lush meadow. Do you have to believe in fairies at the bottom of it too?
rabix: Those who have encountered God, know it's not about fairies. It's about your choice.
Just because you have not experienced something, is not good enough to conclude it does not exist. It just demonstrates your lack of experience and your preference in thinking.
There's lots of proof and stories that tell of Jesus' existence and people's encounters God. So it is not about His non existence.
Seek God and you will find Him.
" I mean what do you really have to lose? If your right and there is no God then when you die you will be stuffed in the ground and it will be all over. BUT, if there IS a God...why would you jeopardize your one shot at eternal life?"
I think this is called Pascal's wager. It is actually not even a good argument, since it does not actually make god any more or less likely.
I mean, what if I said, "don't believe in god. What do you have to lose. If you're right you're right. If you're wrong, then you have the compensation of that whole eternal life thing." Does it make god any less likely? No. It does not.
I don't really care if you believe in god, but do yourself and not me a favor: Don't pray for atheists and the godless, because we don't want it. If you are going to pray, pray for something that is actually pressing. And then maybe ACTUALLY DO something to help the situation.
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